Facundo Chaves del Pino

I am

About me

I am currently looking for a job as a software developer and finishing my university studies in computer networks.

Networking & Development.

  • Country: Argentina
  • Studies: University technician in computer networks

Since I was little I have always been passionate about technology, my main topics of interest are the software development, the cybersecurity and DevOps.

I enjoy challenges and progress in my professional career by learning new technologies and programming languages.

I am a person committed to my work and proactive, I like to work in teams that seek to continuously improve.


  • Spanish: Native
  • English: Intermediate (B2)

  • I am currently learning

  • For AWS Solutions Architect Associate certification
  • Programming languages and tools

    Java Python HTML5 Bash Docker Virtual Box GitHub Linux Networking Cisco Nginx Apache server MySQL


    AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner

    Job experience

    Mercado Libre

    Software developer | April 2022 - June 2024

    Mercado Libre

    At Mercado Libre I specialized as a backend software developer using Java with Spring and testing with JUnit.
    I was responsible for maintaining APIs, used GitHub for version control, I managed relational databases, and Postman to validate the correct functioning of the code.
    I used Jira for ticket management.
    In addition, I performed deployments using the internal tool Fury.

    Projects performed

    • All
    • Websites
    • Codes
    • Others
    Freyja website
    Clothing sales website. The website is a project of a university course. It is currently finished, although some improvements need to be made. Made with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and the Bootstrap framework.
    ToDo List created in Python. It was one of the projects I did in a Udemy course.
    Sitio web Freyja
    The website you're looking at right now, which is made with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and the Bootstrap framework.
    Script de busqueda en Linux
    Linux file search script done in Bash Shell.
    Cron jobs
    Cron jobs that are running on my Raspberry Pi 3b.
    Ansible project to automate hosts on my home network.

    Spanish resume

    English resume
